Here are some facts that OFSTED had to say about us:
- A major strength is the relationship between the agency and carers
- Children’s life chances significantly improve due to the care, support and protection they receive from loving and nurturing fostering families
- Children’s diverse needs are well met by foster carers who are robustly recruited and well trained
- The families are encouraged to actively engage the children and young people in decision-making about their current and future choices
- Agency staff clearly understand the lifelong implications of adoption and maintain excellent relationships with adoptive families and young people
- Adoptive families and staff regard the agency as ‘family’ that is ‘always there when we need them’. One adopter said, ‘We have always found them excellent; they were very supportive when we fostered through them and the support has continued since we adopted.’
- The support provided to adopted young people and adults and their families is individualised and non-judgmental. The effectiveness of this support is demonstrated by the fact that the agency has not experienced a breakdown of any of its adoptive families since it was registered.
Ofsted Reports
Ofsted inspected Cornerstone in March 2019. The report was not published immediately as Cornerstone strongly disputes the aspects of this report relating to equality law which resulted in a negative grading. We challenged Ofsted in the courts, seeking to have the report overturned. Following court proceedings in May 2020 Ofsted were required to amend their initial inspection report, which is now published. Cornerstone is seeking leave to appeal the judgement of the court on the question of legal compliance with the Equalities Act 2010 read in conjunction with articles 8 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as we believe this is fundamental to our faith based principles. Notwithstanding the delay in publication of the report, Cornerstone believes it addressed the other matters raised by the due date (now past) and remains committed to securing the best possible outcomes for children and young people. We are confident that our position, which has previously been endorsed by the Charity Commission, will be upheld.