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Published March 2024
Ofsted rate our Fostering Service as 'Good'
"Children develop a sense of belonging in stable and secure fostering families... Children enjoy a range of activities and social events organised by the agency which help them to socialise and have fun... Foster carers record children’s daily events in well written records, using language that cares. These records show the strong, caring and nurturing relationships that exist in the fostering families that were reviewed... The agency provides additional support to the children and their carers. Foster carers speak positively about their social worker and the agency's support workers ."
These quotes from Ofsted's report following their recent inspection of our Fostering Service articulate the positive experiences children enjoy, and the wonderful work our fantastic foster carers do every single day, not to mention the commitment of the wider Cornerstone team around them. We are grateful Ofsted have graded our Fostering Service as 'Good', and that completes the set along with this year's earlier 'Good' inspection of our Post-Adoption Support Service! Thank you for your ongoing support for the work we have done and will continue to do. To read the full report, click below. |
Ofsted rate our Post-Adoption Support Service as 'Good'
"This agency has given us the opportunities for peer support. Our children have made friends with other adopted children. These friendships are for life."
This is what one adopter said to Ofsted as part of the recent inspection of our Post-Adoption Support Service (one of the two services we provide, the other being our Fostering Service which is separately inspected). We are thrilled that Ofsted have recognised the amazing work being undertaken by Cornerstone foster carers who have gone on to adopt the children in their care, and have graded the overall support we provide to those families as good. The overall experience and progress of service users was deemed to be good, the protection of children, young people and adults is good, and the effectiveness of leaders and managers is good. Providing extensive support to foster carers who go on to adopt is an integral part of Cornerstone’s ethos. As our carers and adopters go the extra mile every day for the sake of the children in their care, we commit to go with them…this fantastic news from Ofsted encourages us to keep doing so! To read the full report, click below. |